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College & Interns

Washington, DC attracts thousands of college students and interns every year.  The college years are ripe for spiritual growth and we welcome all who wish to join us at our church.  Our primary ministry to students is twofold: the public teaching of God’s Word in which the good news of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, and the relationships in our community of believers that gather to be built up by that Word.

The following are ways that students and interns can get involved in engaging with God’s Word and in building relationships with other followers of Jesus at CHBC:

1) College and Intern Bible Study

CHBC hosts a weekly college and intern Bible study during the summer months. See the summer 2024 schedule:

2) Attend our monthly college and intern lunch 

On the first Sunday of the month, a college and intern lunch will be held after morning service in the church basement. Come and hear one of the pastors from our church talk about the morning message and do Q&A, meet other college students and interns, and get a free meal!

3) Attend Wednesday night Bible study at CHBC

We encourage all interns and students to attend the weekly Wednesday night Bible study, held in the West Hall at 7pm, which is a useful venue for you to meet and engage with other people who go to CHBC.

4) Get paired up with another member or family from church

If you'd like to be paired up with a family from church while you're here, or be paired up with a member to hang out one on one, please email Amy Rogers. This is a great way to intentionally get to know others in a smaller setting. Lots of great friendships and long lasting relationships have been formed this way!

For more information about our college and intern ministry:

  • Students at Howard, Georgetown, and George Washington: Please e-mail Paul Billings, Executive Director of Campus Outreach
  • Other students and interns: Please email the Deacons of College Ministry, Patrick and Emily Smith, if you are a student or intern so we can keep you up to date if anything scheduled changes or we plan additional events.