Class 1: How Should Christians Love Their Neighbors
Neighboring Core SeminarClass #1: How Should Christians Love Their Neighbors? Introduction Good morning...
Class 2: What Will Last?
Neighboring Core SeminarClass #2: What Will Last? [Good morning/start with stories] Introduction Last...
Class 3: Loving Your Neighbor and Your Neighborhood
Neighboring Core SeminarClass #3: Loving Your Neighbor and Your Neighborhood [NOTE TO TEACHER: I’VE...
Class 4: The Church and the Neighborhood
Neighboring Core SeminarClass #4: The Church and the Neighborhood Opening: start with any stories from...
Class 5: Limitations and Boundaries
Neighboring Core SeminarClass #5: Limitations and Boundaries Introduction Good morning...
Class 6: Panel Discussion
The only questions that everyone will answer is #1 and #2. I’ll put the others out there...