Systematic Theology
Session 1: Systematic Theology & The Doctrine of the Word
Systematic Theology CHBC Core Seminars Week 1 Fall 14 Assembly Introduction - What we believe...
Session 2: The Doctrine of the Word Part 2
Systematic Theology CHBC Core Seminars Week 2 Fall 2016 Doctrine of the Word Part 2[1] Introduction...
Session 3: The Existence and Attributes of God
Systematic Theology CHBC, Core Seminars 3 June 2016 Week 3: The Existence and Attributes of God...
Session 4: Attributes of God Part 2
Systematic Theology Part 1, Week 4: Attributes of God Part 2 Introduction Is there...
Session 5: Creation Part 1
Systematic Theology CHBC, Core Seminars June 25, 2016 Week 5: Creation Part 1 Class...
Session 6: Creation Part 2
Systematic Theology CHBC, Core Seminars 5 Oct 2014 Week 6: Creation Part 2 Class...
Session 7: Providence
The Doctrine of Providence (Part 1) PRAYER Introduction: REVIEW...
Session 8: Providence Part 2
The Doctrine of Providence (Part...
Session 9: Sin
Week 9: Sin[1] Introduction: The Fact of Sin There is something terribly wrong with...
Session 10: The Person of Christ
Introduction Last week we considered the problem of sin. For the next four weeks, we’ll...
Session 11: The Person of Christ
Introduction and Review (John 1, Col. 1, Phil. 2, Heb. 1) Last week we began to consider the...
Session 12: The Work of Christ
Introduction and Review Why in the world was Jesus of Nazareth executed on a Roman cross?...
Session 13: The Work of Christ Part 2
PRAYER Introduction and Review The States of Humiliation and Exaltation...
Session 14: Review of Systematic Theology 1
Good morning, folks, let me welcome you again to the Systematic Theology Core Seminar; this is part two of...
Session 15: Person of the Holy Spirit
I. Introduction Today, we’re considering the Person of the Holy Spirit; thinking carefully about...
Session 16: Work of the Holy Spirit Part 1
I. Introduction Well, good morning, brothers and sisters. Yikes, I see we may need an extra dose of the...
Session 17: Work of the Holy Spirit Part 2
Introduction Last week when we discussed the work of the Holy Spirit, we ended talking about his work to...
Session 18: Work of the Holy Spirit Part 3
PRAYER [We’re talking about the HS; it’s especially appropriate that we ask for his help] I...
Session 19: Plan of Redemption Part 1
PRAYER I. Introduction: The Problem of Salvation In recent weeks, we’ve looked at God...
Session 20: Plan of Redemption Part 2
PRAYER WELCOME & PRAYER – “Lord, we praise you for the grace to consider the unsearchable...
Session 21: Plan of Redemption Part 3
PRAYER WELCOME & PRAYER I. Introduction Over the last two weeks, we have been looking at...
Session 22: Plan of Redemption Part 4
Introduction As we’ve been working through God’s plan of redemption, last week, with John...
Session 23: Doctrine of the Church Part 1
I. Introduction We just spent the last four weeks considering how God applies the salvation that he...
Session 24: Doctrine of the Church Part 2
PRAYER I. Introduction Today, we’ll be picking up where we left off last week in studying the...
Session 25: Eschatology Part 1
I. Introduction We are living in the last days. (Hebrews 1:1-4) Eschatology matters for how we...
Session 26: Eschatology Part 2
PRAYER I. Introduction In the last class, we spoke of the different views of the millennium...